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We provide long-term, sustainable solutions.
Give me a fish and I ​eat for a day.
Teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime.
-- Lao Tzu, China c. 570 BC.
HHFI's mission and philosophy is to build capacity through technology and skills transfer. By teaching agricultural methods and gardening techniques to groups of small farmers and vulnerable households, we help assure their livelihoods.
Participants in our workshops acquire knowledge and expertise in order to become self-supporting and live their lives with dignity and hope.
We are focused on the long term benefits that accrue from education.
We teach agricultural skills, income-generating methods of farming and farm management.
HHFI offers both classroom (theory) and practical training. Our training is hands-on and our workshops include demonstrations of our four programs.
HHFI training modules include:
Soil fertility management
Traditional vegetables (African Leafy Vegetables)
Companion planting
Growing sweet potatoes
Conservation agriculture
Sustainable agricultural systems (e.g. hydroponics, agroforestry)
Medicinal trees and plants
Farm management and business skills
Participatory technology development (PTD)
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