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Our beneficiaries will:


  • Practice urban farming in a resource-efficient manner.

  • Integrate with local food systems and supply chains.

  • Reclaim and optimize urban public spaces. 

  • Increase household food security and improve community well being. 

  • Develop entrepreneurial skills and savings and investment capabilities.


Solutions for the Impoverished Urban Population

  • Urban areas can benefit from promoting gardening solutions.

  • Gardening in Nairobi is a form of small scale subsistence farming. Most of these farmers are women, who bear much of the responsibility for feeding their families.  Most urban gardens are small plots growing staple foods like maize, sukuma and spinach.

  • KIBERA AND MATHARE -- The FLYING GARDEN project was conceived during the Covid-19 pandemic to mitigate the effects of interruptions in the rural-to-urban food supply chain by teaching and encouraging city dwellers to raise food locally.​

    • From its start in Kibera, HHFI expanded the program to Mathare, partnering with Mathare Ghetto Farmers. HHFI taught the Ghetto Farmers to grow vegetables and generate a profit selling the vegetables to the surrounding community. 

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HHFI and partner Kipepeo Green Heritage at Mathare Ghetto Farm -- September 2022.




Legislative Reforms in Favor of Urban Agriculture

  • Legislation permitting urban agriculture has been adopted in many cities around the world.

  • In 2015, the Nairobi City Council legalized urban farming with the Urban Agriculture Regulation and Promotion Act, which was intended to support residents of high density and informal settlements.  The reforms allow for the use of public land for community gardens. 

  • Many community gardeners are unaware of the legalization act and its provisions.

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